Saturday, June 4, 2011

Knock you naked brownies - no hidden veggies here!

Alright, after receiving some great advice, that this is my blog and I can put what I want on it... and also that every blog needs a "naughty" recipe... I just can't resist putting this recipe up.  

This is one of those, someone else commented on a friends facebook page with a link that I am not sure why I clicked on it, stories.  It's a fun read, and the brownies, well... the brownies were delicious, but I SWEAR they didn't knock all my research team's clothes off.  ;)

I am going to put the recipe up here on my blog, but you should check it out on The Pioneer Woman, she is funny.   Here is the link to her Knock You Naked Brownies. 

My research team likes caramel, so I am making them for him!  Sigh.  Well, also my sink looks like this and I would much rather make brownies than do dishes... 


Anyways, here are the ingredients:

1 box German Chocolate cake mix
1 cup chopped pecans  (I used walnuts because that is what I had)
1/2 cup butter
1/3 cup evaporated milk (mine was no-fat, because that is what I had)
1/2 cup evaporated milk
60 caramels
1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (mine were mini, because I bought them on accident)
Powdered sugar

So it's pretty simple.  Mix cake mix, pecans, butter, and 1/3 cup evaporated milk in a bowl.  It is pretty thick.  I'd say the pictures the Pioneer Woman put up are very accurate.

Divide in half.  Press one half into greased 9x9 baking pan, bake for 8-10 min on 350.

Melt caramels with 1/2 cup evaporated milk in double boiler.  (I did it in the microwave and it worked just fine.)  Pour on top of slightly baked brownie bottom.  Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Here's where it got a little tricky.  Somehow, we are supposed to get the rest of the brownie batter on top of the caramel layer.  The Pioneer Woman suggested making a square out of the rest of the batter and placing it on top.  So that is what I did.  See?

It was a little difficult, even with our biggest spatula, to get it nicely on top, but it got there, even if it wasn't the most beautiful top.

Now, bake for 20-25 minutes.  I baked mine for 23.

Then let them cool, cover, and put in refrigerator for a few hours.  This wasn't as hard for me as it sounds like it was for the Pioneer Woman (her name is Ree, by the way).   Mine sunk down in the middle, like brownies do, so maybe next time I would make the top square smaller. 

Then sprinkle with powdered sugar, take a big bite (you might want a fork), and wait for it... ALL YOUR CLOTHES FALL OFF!!!!

Not really, which is unfortunate, because that would be hilarious!

I warmed each one up again in the microwave so it was all gooey and warm.  These are definitely a treat.  I had some extra caramel left on my plate, so I might use less caramels next time... although my research team disagreed!  (And since they are for him after all...  I guess I should leave the caramel.)

ps.  After looking at The Pioneer Woman's page I wonder if I need to put up more pictures of my recipes?  My pictures aren't as good as hers are, but what do you think?  More pics?  Or nah, we all know what caramels look like... ;)

pps.  As I write this, I am eating leftover Mexican Lasagna for lunch... mmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm so good.  WAIT, WHAT!!  There are carrots in this?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! My mom has something *very* similar to this in her cookbook. But she calls them Turtle Brownies. They're actually one of my FAVORITE desserts. YUM! I only make them during Christmas though because... well... that's when she'd make them. LOL. And if I allowed myself to make them more than once a year? That could be VERY dangerous. ;-)

    And I'm glad you're sharing desserts too! :-)
