
Friday, August 23, 2013

Kale chips

I love kale chips.

Or maybe I just love salt.  But either way, we sure eat all the kale when I make these!  (I have also made them with collard greens, and they were just as good.)

So I followed Karen's recipe from her blog Kitchen Treaty, and I totally agree with everything she said about kale chips.  (If you are going to make these, just go to her site and follow her directions, she has a bunch of great pictures too!)

So here's how it goes:

Wash the and dry the leaves really well.
Cut the middle out (the rib?) and cut them into 2 inch pieces.  This is important.  They are so crispy that they need to be bite sized or they just fall apart when you bite into them.  (Why yes, I am so lazy that I made big pieces and learned this the hard way.  The dog also ate a lot of kale that night!)
Toss with olive oil.
Lay kale in single layer on parchment paper covered cookie sheet(s).
Sprinkle with salt.
Bake for 8-12 minutes, or until just crispy looking.  They burn quickly, so watch closely!
Remove from oven, sprinkle with more salt and we also love ours with nutritional yeast. 

Devour before next batch is done.

That is my only complaint about these... I can't make them fast enough! 

Here are some pictures:

Kale chips with frozen pizza.  Because that's how we roll.  (Actually, I didn't have enough time to make dinner, but I sure had time to make kale chips!!  Bwahahaha.... see?  These things are like crack!)

Crack that I serve to my children...

The Verdict:
"Hello.  I am the research team, and I am an addict."
I guess being addicted to leafy greens isn't the worst possible thing...   ;) 

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