Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fun for Summertime

I have had my next naughty recipe planned for weeks, but funnily enough, this is not it!  I just had this great idea one day and had to try it... okay, are you ready?

S'mores pie.  Sounds so good, right?!

Mmmmm, and it was.  :)

And also so easy.  Here's what I did:

1 graham cracker crust (from the store)
1 package chocolate pudding
Marshmallow cream (shoot, I have been doing better about this... but I don't know how much I used!  Let's see, I have the 13 oz jar, and I didn't use it all.)

Follow the directions for pie on the pudding package, refrigerate for a few hours, add mallow cream and then, spray some fire on it:

AWESOME, right?  I have to admit, my research team was in charge of the torching.  So funny... such a manly tool, a torch, being used for pie.  :)    Here is the end result:

The burnt parts were the best!  They made it taste just like we roasted it over the fire.  As opposed to under?  :)

The Verdict:

So good, but the research team and I agreed that the ratio of chocolate to marshmallow cream was off.  Unlike with actual s'mores, we needed more chocolate than cream.  I think it's because the chocolate isn't dense like a Hershey's bar.  (Although, when I first was planning this pie I seriously considered putting a whole layer of Hershey's dark chocolate bars...)  So next time I am going to use two pudding boxes.  I also might cut the marshmallow cream with some whipped cream, or use half as much, because it was super sweet.

So, originally I was going to put it in the oven, you know, like baked alaska?  (I have never made baked alaska either.)  But I was too nervous that the whole thing would melt!  So I guess what I am saying is, if you don't have a blowtorch... putting it in the oven miiiight work?  Maybe.  If you are brave enough to try it, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I really think this is a good excuse to tell Lisa of why I need a blowtorch in the house
